Key conclusions and considerations

The activities carried out, as described above, have generated an important opportunity to translate the challenging pedagogical reflection in a direct experimentation together with the children. In this sense, the theoretical and practical orientations that result from this initiative were developed together, in an engaging relationship, by adults and children. 

In order to demonstrate how questions concerning gender discrimination persist in our contemporary reality and are of a structural nature, it has to be underlined that almost all adults participating in the activities in Italy were women. Also in this case, we want to consider this aspect not so much as a limitation of the project but as a useful opportunity to affirm that the voices of women are a fundamental requirement in directing the debate on the issues addressed.

We are certain that the project, in its national and transnational dimensions, has opened up an important path to contribute to the full recognition of equal opportunities also in the educational and didactic field. We express our gratitude to all those, adults and children, who have made themselves available to enter the metaphorical world of fairy tales in order to recognize the important potential it offers for the difficult path leading towards the recognition of the dignity and the possibility of each individual to express his or her own story and their own peculiar identity in a narration that involves us all.

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This project is funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Union (2014-2020)